Universally beloved, always upbeat and a legend in suburban high school sports, Bob Frisk's rough entry into the sports section of this newspaper shaped his career.
Bob cherished the idea of impressionable teenagers, devoted parents and caring coaches coming together to make something positive and far bigger than a final score. And they loved Bob for helping them realize what is truly important. People felt better after reading Bob's columns or chatting with him on the sidelines.
“Be positive,” he always said, “because these kids will have a lifetime of dealing with negatives,” says John Radtke, the Daily Herald's current high school sports editor. "Bob was never one to shy away from issues, but instead of expanding on the negative, he had a wonderful way of offering solutions to negatives to turn them into positives. Bob became not only a mentor but a great friend and confidant. His legacy will live forever."
Whether he was on the sidelines or in the stands, Bob drew a crowd of admirers.
"Bob's efforts have produced a litany of awards and honors, including IBCA (Illinois Basketball Coaches Association) Hall of Fame induction, as well as Hall of Fame enshrinement from three local high schools," reads his biography for the Illinois High School Association, which quotes Bob as saying, "Sports at this level are still refreshing. I love watching kids compete."
Photo Credit: Daily Herald
The content on this page was excerpted from a Daily Herald article.
Impact of your donation
This fund has the potential to impact three districts impacted by the legacy of Bob Frisk, and each has chosen to honor him in different ways:
District 214 will annually use money from the fund to support curriculum and programs that enhance the journalism program.
District 220 will use the funds to further the mission of encouraging curiosity, inspiring students' passion for learning and career explorations, and providing enriching opportunities. Major projects and teacher grants specifically will benefit.
District 211 will use collected funds to support highly in-need students.
All money will be processed through the District 214 Education Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to supporting student success and innovation beyond the limitations of conventional funding for public education.
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